Our 3rd consequtive year at both this great little festival where various top Bands play all the local pubs and venues. It was also our third year at one of the larger (and nicer) venues, the Wrotham Arms. A major thanks to Geoff who organised all for us (Top Man) and to Jackie the landlady.
A tough gig for us as Danny had been off work all week and I also had been totally pole axed by a flu like bug that at seen us both wedlded to our respective toilet seats over the last few days. This was a legacy from meeting Ben Poole’s bass player Barry who told us we didn’t want the awful bug he had as he could hadly stand up. then he gave us so many bear hugs we conclude that he likes sharing.
We managed an hour in the first set and I thought I was going to fall over at one point, but we soldiered on much to the appreciation of the excellent crowd. My B string totally detuned itslef during my Dark Angel solo, who says I cant play ‘Jazz’. Roger and Bill pulled as through this one. We played 4 songs from the forthcoming new CD, including second times out for ‘Katrina’ and Sarah’s new solo song ‘Slow Down’. There were small mistakes in each but we are getting there.

In all Mandie sung lead on 5 songs and Sarah 2, as we geared down my vocal to cope with the flu symptoms. Still, amazingly my voice bore up really well and I was still belting out by the end of ‘Preacher ManWe are really sorry that we stopped after the second encore, Danny and I just could not go on. My apologies to Jackie and all in the crowd who only got a 45 minute second set including the two encores. We are just glad that we played a pretty good gig and under the circumstances did not let anyone down
Will we get the chance to make amends in a 4th year?